"Your Complete Guide to Exercise and Weight Loss: A Fun Journey to a Healthier You!"

Is it necessary to exercise to lose weight in 2024?

Aerobic or cardiovascular exercise is the most recommended to burn fat, since it uses it as fuel. Additionally, it can help reduce cholesterol.

Before addressing this article, consider answering the question from the beginning: Is it necessary to exercise to lose weight? The answer is: IT DEPENDS! While it is true that you should not exercise to lose weight, it should be considered that this does not apply equally to all people. The loss of body mass is due to diet, that is, results can be obtained based on what is known as a calorie deficit regime. This is explained by this study carried out at the University of the Balearic Islands .

This study mentions calorie restriction and emphasizes that it can be an effective, simple and healthy method to lose weight. They explain it in a very simple way: to lose weight within the framework of goals, you must eat fewer calories than you can burn during the day. So that each person can know their characteristics, they must visit a nutritionist. This food and diet specialist will be able to recommend a plan based on each person’s needs and circumstances.

Benefits of Exercise in Weight Loss and Dieting

"Your Complete Guide to Exercise and Weight Loss: A Fun Journey to a Healthier You!"

Are you all about shedding those extra pounds? 🏋️‍♂️ Exercise is not just about losing weight. It’s like having a superhero power-up with benefits such as burning calories, preserving your muscle squad, boosting your metabolism, and providing a truckload of health perks! 🥦💥

  • Enhanced Weight Loss: Engaging in physical activity can help you burn more calories, which can increase your calorie deficit and ultimately help you lose weight. Regular exercise combined with a good diet is generally more beneficial than dieting on its own.
  • Preserving Lean Muscle Mass: Dieting alone may result in weight loss that includes both fat and muscle. While encouraging fat reduction, exercise—especially resistance training—can assist in maintaining lean muscle mass. It’s critical to maintain muscle mass for metabolic wellness.
  • Increased Metabolic Rate: Engaging in regular physical activity can increase your metabolism, which will facilitate weight management. More muscle can result in a greater resting metabolic rate because muscular tissue needs more energy (calories) to maintain than fat tissue.

How much exercise should you do to lose weight

According to this study carried out at the University of Navara, the amount of exercise that should be done in order to lose weight should always be greater than 15 minutes. However, they explain that the ideal amount would be 30 minutes, since within that amount of time it is usually easier for most people to adapt.

For people who have the ability to do so, 60 or 80 minute sessions can have much better results than expected. This is a little more complicated because it involves spending a greater amount of time exercising and being in better physical condition. If this interests you, this goal can be achieved by progressively getting your body used to it. That is, start with 30-minute sessions, then increase the time to 45 minutes and so on until you achieve the goal of 60 or 80 minutes per exercise session.

exercise to lose weight

How often should you do the exercise?

Regarding the number of days you have to exercise, it is recommended to do it at least 3 times a week, especially for those who are just starting out. For those who already have a little more experience, the number of sessions can be increased to about 4 or 5 times a week. Insistence should be made on consulting with a certified trainer who can offer professional guidance based on each person’s goals.

How many kg will I lose if I burn 300 calories a day?

Your initial weight, nutrition, and way of living all play a part in how much weight you can lose by burning 300 calories a day. But generally speaking, you can use the idea that 3,500 calories are roughly equal to 1 pound (or 0.45 kilos) of body weight to estimate weight reduction.

Thus, if you regularly expend 300 more calories each day than you take in from your diet, you could anticipate losing roughly:

Every day, 0.10 kilogram (100 grams)

700 grams, or 0.70 kg, per week

2.85 kilograms (about 2.85 kg) every month

Please remember that a number of factors can affect weight reduction, and it is not always linear. It’s critical to prioritize long-term, healthful practices above quick weight loss.

Why am I not losing weight when I exercise?

The various reasons why you are not losing weight despite doing exercise are:

  • Muscle Gain: Gaining muscle is one of the most frequent causes of weight gain that appears to occur during diets and exercise. Your body can grow muscle when you perform resistance training exercises (weightlifting, bodyweight workouts). Since muscle has a higher density than fat, increasing muscle mass can result in a bigger number on the scale even if you are shedding fat. Your metabolism and body composition will benefit from this adjustment.
  • Water Retention: You may have transient water retention as a result of dietary modifications, exercise regimens, or hormonal changes. Your weight may fluctuate as a result of your body holding onto water. This may not always correspond to weight gain.
  • Accuracy of Calorie Tracking: Individuals may overestimate the calories expended during activity or underestimate the amount of calories they actually consume. Use trustworthy sites to obtain calorie information, and track your calories carefully.
  • Plateaus: Losing weight isn’t always a straight line. Despite your best efforts, you could go through phases of plateauing where your weight stays constant. It is possible to get over plateaus by making dietary or exercise modifications.
  • Hormonal Elements: Weight fluctuations can be caused by hormonal changes, especially in women. Weight changes can be transient and can be caused by menstrual cycles, birth control, and other hormonal shifts.
  • Stress and Cortisol: Prolonged stress raises cortisol levels, which can either help or impede weight loss efforts. Relaxation and stress-reduction methods like meditation can be beneficial.

Why am I not losing weight when I exercise?

Ever wondered how long it takes to see the results of your hard work? Buckle up as we explore the factors influencing your weight loss journey and cool methods to track your progress! 📈⏱️

  • Weigh Yourself: At the same time every day, ideally in the morning right after using the restroom and before consuming any food or liquids, weigh yourself on a regular basis. Keep a weight diary and choose a dependable scale.
  • Body Measurements: Take tape measures of your waist, hips, chest, arms, and thighs, among other important body parts. Observe these measurements over time to determine whether they diminish.
  • Progress Images: At the beginning of your weight loss program and on occasion after, take pictures of yourself from various perspectives. Examine these pictures side by side to see how your body has changed.
  • Clothes Fit: Take note of your clothing’s fit. A good indicator of weight loss is if your clothes start to feel looser or if you can wear lower sizes with ease.
  • Enhanced Fitness: Monitor your workout performance to keep tabs on your fitness development. As you lose weight, you could realize that you can run farther, lift bigger weights, or perform more repetitions.
  • Metrics related to health: Monitor health-related parameters such as blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar. Losing weight can have a favorable effect on these indicators.
  • Appetite and Eating Behaviors: You can observe adjustments in your appetite and eating patterns as you shed pounds. You may have better control over portion amounts or experience less hunger.
  • Well-Being and Mood: Losing weight frequently results in enhanced mood, self-confidence, and general well-being. Keep an eye out for these psychological shifts.

    Also Read:
  • Can I lose weight with green tea and no exercise?
  • How to Lose weight with the Mediterranean diet?
  • Is macrobiotic diet good for weight loss?


Exercising is part of the activities that could be done with the aim of losing weight. In addition to this, it is recommended to consult with a nutritionist who can suggest quality foods and, above all, an adequate amount of calories that adapt to the needs and objectives of each person. Likewise, it is considered important to be able to rest for periods of 7 or 8 hours a day. If a 15 or 20 minute nap at noon can be added to this, then the results may be more optimal.

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